Thursday, March 8, 2012

Give Priority to Parents

If a servant is no longer pray for the sustenance of his parents will be interrupted (HR al Hakim and ad Dailami)

The importance of filial To ParentDutiful to parents is one of the noble charity Salih even mentioned many times in the Qur'an about the virtues of filial piety to parents."Worship Allah and do not ascribe him with nothing. And do good to the two mothers-fathers. "(An Nisa: 36).In this verse commands filial to the parents of two juxtaposed with the main charity isunity, then this suggests that even this is a major charity in the hand of Allah 'Azza waJalla. So great was their dignity is seen from the eyes of the Shari'ah. Prophet devotionprioritize theirIbnu Mas'ud said: "I once asked Rosululloh, 'Practices are the most beloved of Allah?' He replied, 'establish prayer in time,' I asked, 'Then what?' He answered, 'filial to parents,"He continued. I asked, 'And?' He replied, 'Jihad in the way of Allah.' "(Hadist by al-Bukhari, no. 5970).Serve such a high position in the elderly.Many parents long for their children be successful in this world. Achieve high office, have a great paying job and so forth. The desire of parents, of course, not only as it wishes.Parents will definitely try to steer and guide the children to dream it could happen. A little more work done the old man will surely affect the child's knowledge and science.Indeed, all sustenance comes from God, because everything in the world belongs only to God. This is what has been believed by the nature of every human being, including the idolaters. Allah has guaranteed sustenance for all His creatures, including humans. In the Qur'an Allah says,وما من دابة في الأرض إلا على الله رزقها ويعلم مستقرها ومستودعها كل في كتاب مبين"And there is no moving creature on earth but God who gives sustenance, and he knewthat the abiding place of animals and the storage. Everything is written in the Book of thereal (lawh mahfuz). "(Hud: 6).For that let us devote to the parents to have the pleasure of Allah SWT to open wideprovision kita.Amin

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