Being an entrepreneur was already pioneered since the days of the Prophet. An exampleof Prophet Muhammad SAW. Apparently, he was a merchant. Prophet Muhammad since the age of 8 years 2 months have started herding goats. At the age of 12 years to theSyrians hafilah trade, it's incredible away.
Prophet, too, even nine out of ten that is guaranteed to heaven, they're the ones who havegood financial. Rahman Bin Awf who go move did not have anything, in the palm grovesof Medina were even ask to be shown the way to the market. The result, when the war, he was a camel so much charity, charity horse, and he wakafkan him to fight.
This entrepreneurial spirit really have inculcated since childhood, because if not, then anypotential can not be made so the benefits. In principle, entrepreneurship is the ability tocreate, to design a benefit than anything else.
Profit business that is actually what makes other people feel lucky as much as possible. If they're lucky and happy, they tell anyone. Mending a little profit, but sell a lot of profit onselling a lot but a little. Learn to resist the urge to enjoy the happiness of others as ourluck. Fortunately it was nice but a lot of baraka, the world's benefit and the benefit in the hereafter.
There is no failure in business, which failed not dare try. Fail is a success fee. Failing thatan informed way to success, the origin is packaged. The advantage is that we have agood name
"Verily, Allah likes the servants who are working and skilled. Anyone who bothered tomake a living for his family, he is similar to a fii sabiilillah mujahid ". ( HR.ImamAhmad).